Table of contents


Sometimes it's necessary to route the traffic of a docker container through another container, such as a VPN container for security, other most common use cases include:

  • Content Filtering: Rerouting traffic of a container through another container can be used to act as a content filtering proxy. This allows for more control over the type of content that a container can access from the internet.
  • Load Balancing: You can set up a load balancer container that will spread traffic across multiple other containers, allowing for increased performance and reliability.
  • Monitoring and Logging: You can configure the container so that its traffic is routed through another container, acting as a monitoring proxy. This allows you to track and log network communication for the container.
  • Ad blocking: Rerouting traffic from a container can be achieved by using another container to act as an ad blocker. This way, ads won't appear on the web pages that the container accesses.
  • Network segmentation: Network segmentation is a practice of using smaller sub-networks to improve security and performance. Containers can be used to route traffic between networks, thus enforcing this form of network segmentation.
  • Network address translation: A container can be routed through another container that acts as a network address translator, allowing for an internal network structure and IP addresses of containers to be securely hidden from outside sources.

Route one container through another Docker container

docker run method

Start the VPN container, use the following command:

docker run -it --name vpn --cap-add=NET_ADMIN vpn-image

To connect the second container to the network stack of the VPN container, use the --network option when starting the second container.

docker run -it --name some-app --network container:vpn some-app-image

Test the routing by accessing a service or website from the app container and checking that the traffic is being routed through the VPN container. You can do that by running:

docker exec -it <container_name> sh -c "wget -qO-"

To find the public IP address of the Docker host, replace <container_name> with the name of the running container.

If your Docker container doesn't have wget installed, you can also try curl.

docker compose method

Example 1: All services are in one docker-compose.yml file

version: "2"
        image: some/vpn
        container_name: somevpn
            - NET_ADMIN
            - "/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun"
        privileged: true
        restart: unless-stopped

        image: some/app
        container_name: someapp
        network_mode: service:somevpn
        restart: unless-stopped

Example 2: Your VPN is somewhere else (docker run, or another docker-compose.yml)

version: "2"
        image: some/app
        container_name: someapp
        network_mode: container:somevpn
        restart: unless-stopped

What about ports?

If you want to send traffic from one container to another through a VPN, you need to make sure that all the ports are exposed on the VPN container. Otherwise, people won't be able to access your app.


So if you're looking for an easy way to route docker containers without manual port configuration and complex network setup with iptables, docker-compose is your best bet. With docker-compose, you can effortlessly connect docker containers and route traffic between them with just a few simple steps. Try it today and see how much time and effort you can save!

Further Reading

Compose file specification
Find the latest recommended version of the Docker Compose file format for defining multi-container applications.
Docker compose network_mode documentation
Sample Docker-compose file which shows how to set up Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Lidarr, QBittorrent and a VPN container so that all all traffic from the containers is routed through the VPN. Also includes Plex and get_iplayer containers, which are not routed through the VPN.
Sample Docker-compose file which shows how to set up Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Lidarr, QBittorrent and a VPN container so that all all traffic from the containers is routed through the VPN. Also in...
Sample docker-compse.yml that routes many services trough a single VPN container.