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SSH tunneling allows users to securely access network resources over an unsecured network. This is accomplished by creating a secure tunnel through which data can be transmitted between two networked devices.

You can easily generate SSH tunnel commands, using our SSH port forwarding generator.

Local forwarding

Local forwarding is used to securely access a network resource on a remote network from a local device. This is done by creating a tunnel between the local device and the remote network resource. For example, to access a remote database server using local forwarding, the following command can be used:

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306

This command creates a tunnel from the local machine’s port 3306 to the remote server’s port 3306, which is the default port for MySQL databases. Now, the user can access the remote database server by connecting to the local machine’s port 3306 using a MySQL client.

SSH local port forwarding MySQL database
Diagram showing local port forwarding of a MySQL database

Remote forwarding

Remote forwarding, on the other hand, is used to securely access a network resource on a local network from a remote device. This is accomplished by creating a tunnel between the remote device and the local network resource. For example, to access a local web server using remote forwarding, the following command can be used:

ssh -R 8080:localhost:80

This command creates a tunnel from the remote server’s port 8080 to the local machine’s port 80, which is the default port for web servers. Now, the user can access the local web server by connecting to from a web browser.

By default SSH will listen on localhost (loopback) only. See the section below to find out how to allow remote connections on all interfaces.

How to make the tunnel port accessible from the outside?

You can use a reverse proxy, like nginx or apache.

## /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tunnel.conf

server {
    listen 8080;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
Example nginx config to make local port accessible outside

Another option is to explicitly specify the bind_address as in the command:

ssh -R -T

To allow the client choose the bind address, you need add the line below to your server's SSH config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

GatewayPorts clientspecified

You can use netstat to confirm that the server is properly listening for remote connections.

sudo netstat -lntp | grep 8080
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1049/nginx: master
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      1049/nginx: master

Dynamic port forwarding

Dynamic port forwarding is a feature of the SSH protocol that allows the client to request a connection to a server-side port from the server. The server then establishes a connection to the requested port and forwards traffic between the client and the server over the established SSH connection.

Dynamic port forwarding is useful for situations where you want to connect to a remote network through a secure tunnel, but you don't know in advance which ports on the remote network you need to access. For example, you might use dynamic port forwarding to access local resources on a remote network, such as a database or web server, without having to set up a specific port forward for each resource.

The -D argument is used to create port forwarding. By selecting this option, SSH will function as a SOCKS proxy server.

ssh -D 1080

This will establish an SSH connection to remote_server and bind a local port (in this case, 1080) as a dynamic forward. You can then configure your local web browser or other application to use the dynamic forward as a proxy, and all traffic will be forwarded securely over the SSH connection.

SOCKS5 supports TCP, UDP and DNS lookups. SOCKS4 only supports TCP traffic.


SSH tunneling provides a secure way to access network resources over an unsecured network.

Local forwarding allows users to securely access a network resource on a remote network from a local device. Most commonly used for accessing secure services such as databases, queues or web apps only accessible trough a company LAN network.

Remote forwarding allows users to securely access a network resource on a local network from a remote device.  Most commonly used for exposing local development environments such as web apps.

Dynamic forwarding is useful when you want to access everything on the remote machine's network, such as databases, web services, CCTV apps that use various ports for streaming, or simply use the remote server as a proxy for your computer.

All types of tunneling can be useful in different scenarios and can be easily configured using the appropriate command.