Table of contents


This tutorial will guide you through the process of recursively converting images to WebP format. You'll learn how to convert images in bulk, using a command-line tool for automating the process.

This can be particularly useful when dealing with large batches of images, or when making sure all your website's assets are optimized.

What is the WebP format?

WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web.

It's currently supported by all major browsers, meaning you can serve WebP images to your visitors without any issues, WebP browser compatibility. WebP images are typically much smaller in size than other web formats, such as JPEG and PNG, resulting in faster loading times.

How much can you save by using WebP?

When it comes to file sizes, WebP images are usually much smaller than the same image in other web formats.

According to many sources, you can typically save around 25-35% of your image size when automatically converting from a PNG or JPEG format to WebP.

Install cwebp

Cwebp is a powerful command-line tool that can convert images to WebP format.

Linux: sudo apt-get install webp

Mac: brew install webp

Bulk convert all images to .webp bash script

This bash script will recursively convert all *.jpg|*.jpeg|*.png|*.gif images to WebP format.

Script usage: ./ -dir /path/to/dir

Don't forget to make the script executable: chmod +x ./

convert_to_webp () {
  local savings=0
  for file in "$1"/*; do
    if [ -d "$file" ]; then
      convert_to_webp "$file"
    elif [ -f "$file" ]; then
      case "$file" in
          cwebp -q 80 "$file" -o "$output_file"
          original_size=$(wc -c <"$file")
          new_size=$(wc -c <"$output_file")
          if [ $new_size -lt $original_size ]; then
            savings=$(( savings + (original_size - new_size) / 1024 ))
  echo "$savings"

if [ "$1" == "-dir" ]; then
  if [ -d "$2" ]; then
    savings=$(convert_to_webp "$2")
    echo "Total savings: $(bc <<< "scale=2; $savings / 1024") MB"
    echo "Error: $2 is not a directory."
  echo "Usage: $0 -dir [directory]"

Once the script is finished, it'll show you how much data you've saved!

cwebp savings webp images

Your original files will not be deleted, if you'd like to delete the originals to conserve space and only keep webp versions, you can run the following command:

find /path/to/dir -type f ( -name ".jpg" -o -name ".jpeg" -o -name ".png" -o -name ".gif" ) -delete

Useful Resources

An image format for the Web | WebP | Google Developers
An image format for the Web.
Google explains the WebP format
Wikiwand - WebP
WebP is an image file format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats. It supports both lossy and lossless compression, as well as animation and alpha transparency. Google announced the WebP format in September 2010, and released the first stable version of i…
WebP WikiPage
WEBP Converter | CloudConvert
>WEBP Converter - CloudConvert is a free & fast online file conversion service.
Convert your images to WebP online


In this tutorial, you have learned how to convert images in bulk to .webp format using a command-line tool. You also learned about the advantages of WebP and why it is recommended for web developers.

Finally, you saw an example bash script that can be used for recursively converting images to WebP format. Now you can optimize your website's assets with ease!